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Content Manifesto

NibbleSpot is hostile to the spread of right-wing content, and is likely to apply moderation accordingly.

The term right-wing can for example include essentialist, speciesist, socionormativist, genderist, masculinist, heterosexualist, racist, nationalist, authoritarian, capitalist, proprietarist, productivist, theist, spiritualist or conspiracy theorist.

This was expressed more in order to guide people in their choice of service before their establishment on NibbleSpot than to limit the expression of people who are already on it. Also, if you agree with what is said in this manifesto, you should not need to check the compatibility of everything you say with it. Moderation on NibbleSpot is done with benevolence and is open to discussion. The vast majority of content removed from NibbleSpot is spam or is published by people who have not read this manifesto.

This is not an attack on freedom of expression. This manifesto does not prohibit you from expressing yourself. It simply asks you not to use an NibbleSpot service for this if you have ideas that are too different, in which case you can find a service that suits you better.